JWAC employs a highly trained, diverse, educated, and skilled workforce to support combatant commands, Joint Staff, and other customers with effects-based analysis and precision targeting options for selected networks and nodes in order to carry out the national security and military strategies of the United States during peace, crisis, and war.

JWAC continually seeks talent in technical areas such as engineering and science analysis, and staff and administrative positions. The scope of work is broad and varied; initiative and creativity are required to perform assigned tasks under the Air Force’s  Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratory (STRL) Personnel Management Demonstration Project. JWAC enables dynamic career growth with career paths that are based on individual development plans.


Send resumes and questions to: JWAC Recruiting




Workforce Development

JWAC promotes full- or part-time academic work-study programs to support continuing education and professional development. Many employees are pursuing advanced degrees from prestigious institutions such as American University, Catholic University, George Washington University, Howard University, Georgetown University, John Hopkins University, Mary Washington University, University of Maryland, University of Virginia, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The Center encourages employees to keep up with rapidly changing technologies by participating in training through Center-paid courses, seminars, and conferences. These courses and on-the-job training can enhance careers in both the technical and managerial fields. 







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